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Max's Build Size Premium Pack

Posted on June 5, 2014

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Max's Build Size Premium pack

Every year, the producers of Max's supplements invite ordinary people to share in an extraordinary experience that of the Max's Muscle up Challenge. This year the Challenge starts on July 14 and invites participants to maximise their overall fitness by building muscle while toning and shaping their physique. Max’s has put together an array of supplement stacks including the “Build Size Premium Pack” to make the journey a little easier.

How to begin

Before you start, take a picture showing how you look now. At the end of the Challenge, take another picture to show how you've developed during the twelve weeks of intensive training undertaken. The winner gets to show off their fabulous new look, and as a side bonus, receive some great prizes.

What’s in the Max’s Build Size Premium Pack?

The Max’s Build Size Premium Pack is specially designed to build size, muscle mass, and assist the hard work in the gym. The Max’s Build Size Premium Pack contains the following:

Max's Supersize:

Supersize combines both protein and carbohydrates to increase calories whilst repairing and building muscle

Max’s Cre8 Carnage:

Laden with 8 distinct creatine sources Cre8 Carnage will improve utilization of our energy molecule and increase muscular strength and performance.

Max’s Hybrid BCAAs:

Hybrid BCAAs have developed a more soluble BCAA supplement for better absorption. Hybrid BCAAs will enhance muscle building and reduce muscle breakdown

Max’s NAGG:

Provides both glutamine and Acetyl-Glutamine producing a more stable glutamine product to protect muscle and enhance recovery.

Max's Nitetime:

All hard working bodies need to relax and wind down so that they can repair and grow which happenes at rest. Nitetime protein delivers a prolonged release of amino acids continuing the nutrition muscles need to grow into the night.

The Max’s Build Size Premium Pack is available at Sporty’s Health. Along with hard work, sensible dietary advice and the protein shakes and supplements provided in the Max’s Build Size Premium Pack all will combine to give you a great outcome for the Max’s Challenge. Good luck for the Max’s Muscle Up Challenge 2014.