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9 Must-Have Superfoods: #1 Nori Seaweed

Posted on May 15, 2024

9 Must-Have Superfoods: #1 Nori SeaweedDividerimage


The term ‘superfood’ has garnered attention globally to the point that a number of dictionaries had to get to work on a definition.


Now, it’s a well defined word that can be used with confidence when pointing to a set of health benefits associated with a uniquely powerful food.


Superfood Definition.jpg


It's worth taking the time to understand the reasons these foods have been called a superfood.


And brainstorming ways to incorporate these foods into weekly meals is a must.


It’s not so much about ticking a box each day to ensure you consumed each and every superfood known to man, woman and child.


Come on ... don’t be obsessive.


Though it is about having these foods on hand and looking back over the past week to see how many you have managed to consume without much effort.


The benefits of each superfood is unique, due to their specific nutritional profile and synergy.


It may be a particularly high concentration of a mineral (Selenium in Brazil Nuts), the content a unique nutrient given the nature of the food (Vitamin B12 in Nori) or a unique set of health benefits due to its content of phytochemicals (Medicinal Mushrooms).


Vegan Source of Vitamin B12

The rise of plant-based diets has led many to explore alternative sources of nutrients typically found in animal products.


In particular, Vitamin B12 poses a challenge for vegans and vegetarians due to its scarcity in plant-based foods.


However, one often-overlooked solution lies within the depths of the ocean.


Drum roll please.


Nori Seaweed; renowned for its role in sushi rolls, nori offers a natural and vegan-friendly source of Vitamin B12, along with a range of other health benefits.


Nori is an edible type seaweed commonly used in Japanese cuisine that has gained recognition for its surprisingly high Vitamin B12 content.




While most plant-based foods lack this crucial nutrient, studies have shown that nori contains significant levels of bioavailable Vitamin B12, making it an excellent addition to vegan and vegetarian diets.


Just a small serving of nori can provide a substantial portion of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin B12, helping to bridge the nutritional gap for those following plant-based lifestyles.


Bioavailability if Vitamin B12

One of the key advantages of nori as a Vitamin B12 source is its high bioavailability and ease of absorption by the body.


Unlike some plant-based sources of Vitamin B12, such as fortified foods or supplements, the Vitamin B12 in nori is in a form that the body can readily utilise.


This means that regular consumption of nori can effectively contribute to maintaining optimal Vitamin B12 levels and supporting overall health and well-being.


Additional Health Benefits

Beyond its Vitamin B12 content, nori is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, including Vitamin C, Carotenoids and iodine.


Its high fiber content also promotes digestive health and may aid in weight management by increasing feelings of fullness and regulating blood sugar levels.




Furthermore, nori contains compounds like chlorophyll and phytonutrients, which have been linked to detoxification and cancer-fighting effects.


Incorporating Nori into Your Diet

Incorporating nori into your diet is simple given its versatility, with endless culinary possibilities.


From classic sushi rolls to savory snacks like nori chips or wraps, there are countless ways to enjoy this nutritious seaweed.


Add crumbled nori to salads, soups, or stir-fries for a flavor-packed boost, or use it as a garnish for extra texture and taste.


With its mild, umami-rich flavor and crispy texture, nori adds depth and complexity to a wide range of dishes, making it a favorite among food enthusiasts worldwide.